Common Ground

Earth Day April 22nd 2025, Join Wayfarer Theaters for the impactful screening of "Common Ground", a rousing and uplifting feature-length documentary that shows a pathway to transform our unhealthy and corrupt industrial agricultural food system into an ecological way of growing food that can restore our health, our communities, and our climate. The film chronicles the budding “Regenerative Agriculture” movement, a type of farming based on working with nature, instead of against it. Following the special presentation, we will have a prerecorded Q&A with the filmmakers regarding the importance of this film and a call to action. Tuesday April 22nd 2025 @ 7pm. Tickets are available online @
Gabe Brown Rosario Dawson Laura Dern Jason Momoa Donald Glover Woody Harrelson
Josh Tickell Rebecca Tickell
Josh Tickell Rebecca Tickell ERIC DILLON Big Ranch Pictures
Common Ground"Common Ground"


April 22, 7:00 pm

Wayfarer Theater Highland Park